
radon testing cincinnati

Radon testing Cincinnati professionals are licensed to test for radon levels in your home. EPA guidelines recommend that you hire a professional testing agency because they have the necessary knowledge and skills to provide a fair remedy. Look for certified contractors who follow national standards and are trained to properly install radon simplicity systems. Ask for a price estimate and make sure it’s a cost-justifiable service. The higher your radon levels, the more severe the problem may be.

You Should Have Your Home Tested By A Certified Professional

Radon is a naturally occurring gas in soil, and it’s most concentrated in lower levels of the home. Radon can enter your home through cracks in hollow-block walls, dirt floors, or openings around floor drains or pipes and sump pumps. In fact, one in every fifteen homes in Ohio has a radon level higher than the EPA action level of four pCi/L. The best way to prevent radon from causing health problems is to have your home tested regularly.

Radon testing Cincinnati is an important part of any mitigation process. It determines if your Cincinnati home is at risk for radon gas. The EPA has designated Cincinnati as a Zone 1 radon area. The average radon concentration in homes in Cincinnati is 4.0 pCi/L. Radon gas exposure causes lung cancer in approximately 20,000 Americans every year. To combat the radon risk in your home, you should have your home tested by a certified professional.

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