Dermal fillers are injections that inject soft tissue into the skin at various depths. They are often used to fill in wrinkles and add volume to facial features. Most are temporary and eventually absorbed by the body. However, there are some permanent fillers that can enhance facial features. These include collagen and hyaluronic acid.
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Restylane is a dermal filler made up of microspheres suspended in a collagen-based gel. It provides immediate volume and softens wrinkles and acne scars. The gel also provides structural support to the skin, creating a smoother appearance. The filler was originally developed to treat facial wasting associated with HIV infection. The results can last for up to two years.
If you are considering having dermal fillers injected, it is important to choose the right medical provider. Fillers can be dangerous if injected incorrectly. Incorrect injection techniques can cause lumpiness, death of skin cells, and even blood clots. You should also avoid injecting fillers from someone who does not have a medical license.
Dermal fillers carry risks, including infection and bruising. However, the FDA does regulate them. If you have any concerns about a filler product, you can report them to MedWatch, the FDA’s safety information program. You can also report adverse reactions by calling MedWatch.
Infinity Aesthetics Swansea
Summerland Lodge, Bishops Wood Grove, Langland, Newton, Swansea SA3 4BP, United Kingdom
Phone: +441792807005