A toucan crossing design is a type of traffic light controlled crossing where both pedestrians and cyclists can cross at the same time. They are generally found adjacent to cycle paths and operate much like puffin or pelican crossings in that they require a push button to be pressed and the lights change based on a timer system. However, toucan crossings have two different sensors that react to pedestrians and cyclists rather than simply working based on pre-set intervals. The first sensor (called the pedestrian kerb detector, or PCD) checks whether there are any pedestrians and if so how close they are to the kerb. It also makes sure that the pedestrians and cyclists are actually crossing the road. This can cancel the initial button request if the user is not going to cross, and it can prevent the mainline traffic from being stopped for too long should someone decide not to take a walk or bike across.
The Future of Pedestrian Safety: Exploring Puffin Crossing Design and Technology
The second sensor (called the cycling kerb detector, or PKD) detects cyclists and bikes that are on approach to the crossing. It works a bit differently than the PCD, as it can give the mainline signal head a green indication if the PKD is activated. Then, when a bicycle or bike is within range of the PKD, it will change to the green bicycle/pedestrian signal and then change to red as the crossing is cleared by pedestrians and cyclists.
Drivers should not park their vehicles or ride their bicycles on the zigzag lines found on either side of Toucan crossings, as this can reduce the visibility for pedestrians using the crossing and could lead to a fine. They should also be careful not to drive through a steady amber light while pedestrians are still in the crossing, as this can be dangerous for them and other users.