
GreenLight PVP laser

GreenLight is a minimally invasive, quick and effective treatment for lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The procedure has been shown to be equivalent in efficacy to TURP in clinical trials. Compared to traditional surgery, it has significantly less bleeding and shorter hospital stay and recovery time. This link https://www.mrmikesplumbing.ca/furnace-services-calgary/

Most men who have GreenLight Laser PVP experience a rapid improvement in their symptom relief and improved urinary flow and comfort. The procedure can also be performed without the need to discontinue blood thinning medications. Newer, advanced laser fibers have increased vaporization efficiency allowing it to treat prostate glands of larger sizes.

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Despite the fact that GreenLight is very safe and has minimal side effects, some men will still experience urinary symptoms after their procedure, such as hematuria (blood in the urine), bladder spasms, urgency, dysuria (pain with urination) and retrograde ejaculation (some or all of the semen passes back into the bladder instead of into the urethra). Generally these symptoms are temporary and should improve within a few days or weeks.

The reoperation rate for GreenLight laser photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) varies widely between different studies. Reoperations are often due to urethral stricture (US), bladder neck contracture (BNC) and persistent/recurrent adenoma, though specific reasons for re-treatment have not been fully elucidated. The re-operation rate for PVP is low when performed by an experienced surgeon.

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