Women in tech have plenty of resources to help them thrive. These include Ada’s List, a website that connects women leaders in tech from around the world to change company structures and unconscious or conscious work bias, Elpha, which offers community forums for professional development, career advice and informal mentoring, and Fairygodboss, an online community for female employees with discussion boards on topics such as pay, benefits, corporate culture, job flexibility, and maternity leave. This link Girl With Answers
Inspiring girls in STEM is key to closing the gender gap and encouraging more women to enter the field. CompTIA Spark has a free workshop curriculum that inspires and empowers students with new skills. Find out how you can become a supporting partner and change the future of technology for girls today.
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Follow your passion, follow your dreams and do what you love — that’s the best piece of advice we can offer. This is especially true in the STEM field, where interest in engineering and other STEM subjects often blossoms during primary school. This resource from Girl With Answers: Your Tech Resource explores how to nurture that passion and make it a reality for all.