Buchsenmachers in Berlin are tenacious and highly skilled workers. They can work on all kinds of firearms and are a reliable partner in all aspects of their care. This includes cleaning, repair, and maintenance. In addition, they provide expert advice and service. Their expertise is unmatched in the industry.Read more
How important is becoming a Gunmaker/gunsmith?
In Germany, more than a million people carry weapons. However, this is not a common practice. Guns are only allowed in public spaces by the police, and only a small number of people have gun rights. This means that Katja Triebel, who escaped the Spandau terror attack in 2008, does not possess a weapon. In addition, she does not want to give up her gun rights. Nonetheless, she believes that the right to self-defense (Selbstverteidigung) is a human right.
Buchsenmacher-Berlin fertigens both individual and mass-produced weapons. Moreover, their weapons are zertifiziert for Cerakote-Beschichtungen, which provide high quality finishes and long-lasting performance. Additionally, their armourers offer workshops where customers can learn how to assemble custom weapons.
While there are many different types of guns in Berlin, there are several common brands that offer these types of weapons. These include Frankonia, Kettner, Triebel, and Sauer S 202. Depending on your preference, you can also opt for an online version of this form. In any case, you will need to present your existing permit when submitting the Anzeige des Erwerbs of Weapons.